Category Archives: Prayer

Doomsday or God?

Dear Ones,
Trust your heart and start praying for the “doomsday” predictors….

It’s very obvious God had caused a shift. But, God had given me an assignment of how to pray… And to trust Him…

Prayer is the key for our country as it has always been. God has reiterated in 2 Chron. 7:14 for the last 3 years. It’s not just words, it’s a sincere call across the land to first recognize His voice as He is calling us … Listen (His sound is to trust and obey) … Seek His face … Seek His heart, His attention … Humble yourself … Lift Him up … Praise Him, worship Him …

Repent … And that sound is exactly that, to repent and pray for yourself, your family, all that concerns you. Repent for fear and doubt, lack of trust. Repent for a lack of holy hands lifted up without doubt or anger. Unbelief or unforgiveness. “Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” (1Tim. 2:8, Ps. 24:3-4)

Pray … for our government and all who have authority over us. Intercede and pray. (1Tim 2:1-4) Pray for both yourselves and your families for the things that you hear and repeat. Have you been speaking death and not life? Pray for our government, all the way to the top, especially in this hour of absolute shaking. (Heb. 12:27-28) Everyone is looking for another sign of doomsday. Yet even the Lord said nobody, not He nor the angels knows, only the Father, our Father who art in Heaven. (Mk 13:32) He says, “If I’m for you, who can be against you????” (Rom. 8:31) If you only believe!

When I returned to America after visiting 9 major countries (making it about 60 counties I’ve been to thus far), the Father was asking me to do and say the same thing, to go right to our U.S. Capital, Washington, D.C. He sent me to as many government seats as I could stand in front of and pray all the way from the White House to the Capital, including the U.S. Treasury to the Library of congress to the U. S. Supreme Court, all around the Capitol. And He revealed the secret of the conscience of our leaders, that simple mind set, that if I just cross my fingers, it’s just a “white lie.” If I just cross my fingers it will be okay, so we can get to the hopeful “end of the means…”

Well, that is why we need to pray and properly “seek His face.” If this is touching your heart, you will hear the call, recognize His voice (“My sheep hear my voice.” John 10:27), and heed His directions. Don’t lean on your own understanding. (Prov. 3:5-7) Don’t listen to the doomsday prophesies and warnings of man. Listen to His voice. Humbly seek His face, His heart, His truth, and “repent.” And “HE WILL HEAL OUR LAND…”

Now that’s what God said! When I was outside the White House, I saw a first. In all the years since Clinton’s time in office, I saw with my own eyes people going in and out of the Whitehouse … Thousands … Men and women and children of all nationalities and cultures… True witnesses … Yes, police and security were set in place, but such an open door I have never seen before. This is a sign of the times to come. But at the Capitol I saw a just a day of business as usual, our national leaders going in and out of the Capitol building at the eastern entrance.

At the front side I walked through thousands and thousands of Chinese people in an organized protest march, many from mainland China. They were protesting their right for democracy and freedom of beliefs. (Unfortunately most were basically new age believers and God not even a part of what they were doing.) But get this: They were free in our country to protest against mainland China on our American soil. And this group was the same group represented in Beijing that incited the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989.

Go figure. Only in America would our government issue such a permit to protest, and our governmental authority protecting their rights to free speech …. Hello, what about Christians’ rights here in America??? What about our freedom of speech as Christians? … What about the right to profess our faith? … Well back to this, what can we do??? Do what we are called to do! I’m reminding you all that we are not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities, rulers, unseen forces, the prince of darkness. (Eph. 6:10-13)

At the Capitol the Lord gave me a few visions. I’ll share others later, but this one is vital for the hour. We were finished doing what God asked us to do. So I stood up to leave, and the Lord gave me this open vision that scared me at first: I saw missiles coming from every direction flying at the Capitol building. You can imagine my terror. (Keep in mind I had just gone to 9 countries that did not have one kind word for America. We are called the modern day Babylon by those we consider to be our allies.) So the bombardment of missiles frightened me, to say the least. But God stopped my crazy thinking and said, “Look up.” I could see in full description, color, and shape, the fire coming out of the tail of each missile. Then, He said again “Watch” as the missiles seemed to me to be hitting the building. God asked me, “What’s happening? Oh Watchman, what do you see?” I saw the missiles gently disappearing as they touched the building. God said, “These are missiles of prayer from all over America. In this hour I’m calling My people to pray.” God says He wants to see callouses on His saints’ knees … America pray…” I will relent, if you will only repent!”

So many people only repeat the doomsday reports, the voice of the enemy, which only curses instead of blessings. (You keep repeating that which isn’t as if it is, so it will be. Rom. 4:17b) But God is calling loudly, and in a still small voice, saying, “Pray, humble yourselves, seek My face, repent … And I WILL HEAL YOUR LAND!!!! ”

Now whose report do you want to read?!?!?!

Dear friends, I ask you to join with me, pray with me, and agree with me for our country!!! God loves America, He told me 3 times. And we love God. Help me pray against those ‘white lies’ and lift up our country-men and -women making those serious decisions in this late hour. Pray with me that we all will be overcome with the revelation that we are operating within each one’s own manmade standards. (Jude 17-20) And repent, and call upon the Lord to awaken the Spirit within and be led by the Spirit, HIS SPIRIT! Then the Lord can begin to heal our land. It’s got to start somewhere, right? Why not with us?!?!?

Meanwhile, the Lord wants you to know you can pray anywhere. We must trust the Lord. He will hear, because you are seeking His face and know the battle is in prayer, on our knees, humbly, THAT HE MIGHT HEAL OUR LAND.

Where Jesus is, there is no darkness… Besides, where does worry get us?

Love you all, looking forward to seeing youl!
Nancy L. Haney


Greetings, Point To Hope Family..

Family? YES!!? You were Divinely selected to connect with this loving Ministry before you
even appeared in the Flesh…Imagine that! But maybe you and I did not get aboard to serve our
Mutual FATHER until….we heard His Voice through His Beloved Daughter, Nancy Lee Haney!
Like His Call to US..THROUGH Nancy..MANY ARE STILL HEARING & Saying:”YES LORD!!!”

As Nancy has taught us, observe the NUMBERS! WHAT DO YOU HEAR IN # 8? In only
8 days, our Mighty God moved in tremendous might and power doing MUCH that His Heart
has desired to move, change and rearrange in
LIVES..individuals, pastors, other ministries
who were struggling to HEAR & KNOW TRUTH from the Father’s perspective!!All praise and Glory to
HIS NAME ! ( #8 indicates NEW BEGINNINGS!)

One of our dear Brother’s & his adorable wife lead a ministry in the County which locally
houses and serves as a stepping stone to rehabing a small number of men. For a few years now,
their facilities/ & limited staff has only permitted them to admit a maximum of 10 or less
into the program at a time. JUST before Nancy arrived in Westminister, Pastor A. sent us an
email asking for prayer. The County had offered to release the use of this OLD, UNUSED @present..
building (a JAIL) to the Ministry. The “catch”/difficulty was the WORDING on Pastors part to express the exact intents of The Ministry in an acceptable manner (to those in authority) for their approval of
the aquisition. YOU GUESSED IT; DONE DEAL!!! the glory of God, ALL 130 BEDS CAN
BE READY as soon as Pastor & supporters can RENOVATE& RESTORE THE FORMER JAIL!! Who the Son sets free is FREE INDEED!

Truly only time will reveal many victories WON during and since Point To Hope
was INVITED into scenic route, highway 11 ( N.S.E.W.) The Blue Ridge Mountains of
S.C.; our governor, Hon.Nikki Haley frequently states that “South Carolina has everything people are looking for!” Ya’ll COME! SEE FOR YOURSELVES. You will find many talking about the
“woman from Alaska who prayed for me”…or” the woman I heard who encouraged me to lay
aside my widowhood and move forward..” A CHANGED COUNTERNANCE IS THE PROOF IN

As the different teams of the South are refreshed and moving forward in new vision & purpose,we pray you were touched as you gave time to PRAY for all of us . May you move with MORE MERCY AND TRUTH than you have ever experienced as we continue to CRY OUT for our Homeland…..from the mountains to the oceans…GOD BLESS AMERICA, OUR HOME SWEET HOME! AMEN& AMEN.


PRAYER CORDINATOR for South Carolina


Prayer Alert

We are asking you to be praying for Lorraine Woolcock (Ellis).  She has been a powerful intercessor for many of us for many years.  

She is currently in the Soldotna Hospital, diagnosed with metastasized pancreatic cancer and has been given one week.  She is not in pain now and is very alert.  She is ready for the next step in her journey with the Lord.
We pray for Lorraine, that the Lord will touch her and heal her, whether he takes to to be with Him or divinely heals her body on earth.  We ask that she not suffer from pain, but is able to continue her ministry to her last breath.  Also pray for her family, for strength for their journey.
Thank you for your faithful prayers,
Nancy Haney
Point to Hope Ministries

We should be stronger, wiser, well watered with the word and ready to ” seize the day.”

Dear PTH intercessors.

Did not our hearts burn as the Angels of God ministered the word in Augusta and the surrounding areas.
As you know Nancy & Sarah are now in Macon GA and will be going to SC following that.
( please check PTH web page for details). We were more than blessed having them here bringing revival to our souls and spirit. We should be stronger, wiser, well watered with the word and ready to ” seize the day.”
Please continue interceding for them as they approach their last lap of the world ministry tour before their return to Alaska. ( Sarah has or will return home) keep her in prayer as she returns for the school year. Debbie Grimes will be joining Nancy. Only God can hold these ladies up during this rigorous schedule. I am still amazed at their vitality, (never once appearing weary). Please Continue prayer for Rose, Pat and anyone else suffering affliction at this time. These ladies, the team, intercessors and family members are an inspiration and testimony to the grace and wonderful works of God.
God’s blessings & love as you pray and support the work of God as it proceeds forth. Let us pray for one another continuously.
James 5:16

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much

Lorraine Thomas
Prayer Coordinator for East Georgia.
PTH ministries.


Urgent Prayer Request

Praying saints are being called out. Please lift up prayer for Blairsville, GA Conference. Storm coming in from the east. The weather is calling for snow, rain, and ice. Have faith and pray the Lords plans will be executed.  Pray the storm would be moved and calmed so God’s servant can deliver the message needed to come forth.

Thank you all for your prayers.


Mark 4:35-41 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Calms the Storm

35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

A Time to Grieve

Please keep Nancy & Henry Haney, family and friends in prayer. On Wednesday their granddaughter passed away. Please be considerate of the families time with the Lord and each other. Thank you for all the prayers and support.

Crystelle L. Chilson-Obituary

Psalm 27:4-5  “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.  For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”



It is a critical time to lift our intercession to make that hedge

Dear intercessors,

I have been with Nancy these last 2 weeks and witnessed how the Lord is using her to break ground and stir up the Holy Spirit in many Christians.  Many are sitting numb from the past few years of getting beaten up and challenged in their faith.  But many are also seeking Him for direction and inspiration to step up and continue the walk the Lord had them on.  They are preparing to give the War Cry and enter the battle with greater faith than they have had in the past.  Many are hungry and searching.  It is encouraging that there are more people coming to the conference from out of town this year than I have ever seen before.  People who are willing to make the investment in time and money to receive what the Lord is preparing for them.


Nancy brings a different message than most as she appeals to the mature Christians, some of whom may be floundering.  The call is to allow him to lift our heads so we can keep our eyes on Him and not be distracted from our purposes.  Yesterday she was used by God to break some more ground in the area of West Columbia, SC.  We went to get our hair done, but the lady had invited several people and Nancy testified for nearly 2 hours.  The 9 people there were stirred as new ground was broken.  It is an area with a lot of witchcraft and satan worship.  Do you think that stirred things up?


The word is out about Nancy, the mighty warrior for God.  She is no longer in stealth mode, but the enemy is aware of what she is doing and he is not happy.  She is now a target for the enemy.  So we need to reinforce the wall of protection around her and the whole PTH team that the enemy cannot penetrate, not even with little foxes.  You may have heard the strategy the Lord gave Nancy in Hawaii about how to pray for the wall, but I write it again to remind you:


1. Place a Hedge of protection — Job 1:9

2. Declare a Bulwark or wall — Ps 91:4

3. Set a Wall of Fire — Zech. 2:5

4. Ask for Ministering Angels — Mt. 4:11

5. Take communion daily — LEAVE NOTHING TO CHANCE — Mt. 14:22


It is a critical time to lift our intercession to make that hedge/wall/bulwark even thicker than it already is.  I know you are all faithful intercessors for Nancy, but I ask that you consider an even greater commitment to intercede for her and this coming ministry.


With much love and Many Blessings,


Prayer for Rose Stransky

Dear PTH Intercessors,

We are asking for prayer for our friend, Rose Stransky.  She has been dealing with a debilitating
disease that has been very difficult. 
But now she is in the hospital. 
Doctors say she has had a stroke. 
Her mind is clear but she is having difficulty with mobility and speech.

Rose is our Assistant Director for Georgia and works very
hard to help make the ministry work in that area. 

Please pray for healing, comfort, peace, and strength for
Rose and her loved ones.  Also pray for
wisdom for the medical staff.

Thank you for your faithfulness as we all work together to
further the Kingdom of God.


Debbie Grimes

PTH Administrative Director

© Point to Hope Ministries

Updated Prayer Request

Please continue to pray for Becky Heinsley. The doctors have determined she had a stroke. At this time she is still unresponsive. Please pray for God’s touch, complete healing and a speedy recovery. That the doctors will have great wisdom in finding the issue and leave no stone unturned. 
Please pray for strength for the family and loved ones.
Becky is one of the PTH assistant directors for North Georgia and Intercessor.   
Thank you for your faithful prayers.
Debbie Grimes
Point to Hope Ministries

© Point to Hope Ministries