December 20, 2013
Dear Friends,
I just wanted to personally thank you all for you prayers. I am happy to report I am feeling stronger everyday. Yesterday, my stitches were removed and the Dr. is amazed at the progress / condition of my “flap”. Apparently, I am weeks ahead in the healing progress … Like I said, thank you for your prayers 

I had been in kinds of a holding state for many months in regard to this surgery not knowing how it could all come to pass for many reasons. However, it just took a simple “yes” and every thing came into place very quickly. And praise God I didn’t know all the details otherwise I would have been …. Hmmm “chicken.”
It wasn’t long after checking in, that I was whisked away to be prepped for the procedure. Not sure why I had “easier” in my mind for this surgery compared to initially burn/skin grafts. I guess because I didn’t have to go through the “roasting” process as I did the first time around. Needless to say, the more I listened to the nitty gritty details , the more I was now feeling somewhat like a plucked chicken. I wasn’t prepared to hear what I was hearing … “thigh on neck” …. 9- 10 hours long, etc. In 10 minutes time, since I left Mitch’s company, I had been transformed: chicken, plucked chicken, and now plucked chicken in headlights. I must say, I was full of God’s peace and I know it was because of your prayers. I was grateful the Dr. was willing to call Mitch and let him know I’d be a little late … about 6 hours late 

Unbeknownst to me, I was kept sedated in ICU with a breathing tube. When I woke up the following day, I was pleasantly surprised to not have pain radiating through my thighs as I did when I had my first skin graft. The “flap,” as it is called, was taken from my belly. “How is that better?” … You might be asking, trust me, it is! A flap was removed from my abdomen verses shaving skin from legs and leaving them raw.
I was very thankful to have been “knocked out” intentionally until the second day. My thighs felt better, but on the flip side, I was gasping for every breath, or at least it seemed that way. If you’ve ever had a breathing tube or ventilator lodged in your throat, you know what I am attempting to describe. It is impossible to make a sound … Impossible to say: “I can’t breathe!” … “I’m choking”. Then, Mitch touched my head and said, “just relax, it is breathing for you.” The reason I share that with you is because there are times in life when we may feel like we have no control in situation – can’t get a breath- in circumstances or life’s storms; it is like there is no air! Yet, the Father is right there … A touch away, to say, relax or Peace, I will breathe for you.
Yes, thank you for your prayers!
Nancy has been talking “shift” for some time now in regards to The Lord shifting, etc. Well, Nancy got a “shift” too. Mitch stayed with me the first week while in the hospital. Then I had to stay in the area for follow-up appointments so I was so glad she was willing to take a shift

I am thrilled with the immediate pain relief I now have in my neck. I literally have no pain, no pulling, no constriction in my neck. Never thought that would be possible! God has made a way!
In 3-4 months, I will come back to New York for the second and last phase of this “flap.” But not nearly as invasive; 1 or 2 days in hospital, and a few follow-up appointments. Between now and then, I will have to attend to the edges of my flap; daily dressings, etc. …. But no more neck brace

Please continue to pray as the edges heal. Also, as you can imagine, insurance coding is not going to be the ” norm” so I would be most appreciative if you would continue to pray for God’s favor as my insurance coverage is being processed.
On another note, Nancy is diligently soaking in all the Lord is revealing for the upcoming new year. It is going to be a powerful and awesome year! This 2013 year was about The Kingdom of God; His presence, His. word, His glory! So it is no wonder the Lord is releasing a sound in 2014! Get you ears on! PTH will be on the ministry road for the first 9 weeks of 2014.
The first Point To Hope Conference is January 16-18, 2014; check the website for details. There are many details in progress and many more to complete. Please continue to pray for Nancy, the PTH team, and the many helping hands that help make these conference available and possible to God’s glory.
Yes, your prayers are truly powerful.
Blessings to all,
Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator
© Point to Hope Ministries