Dear PTH Friends,
After traveling to 9 countries and various cities, Nancy and I (Sarah) returned to America on July 15th. As noted in the last report, we flew to Washington D.C. the next day for a day trip to pray. On Aug. 8th, I returned to work in Alaska and the same day Debbie Grimes flew in from Alaska to continue with Nancy and the other PTH leaders from Georgia and South Carolina. Thus, since July 18th and continuing through Aug. 30th, the Point To Hope ministry schedule has been very full and has truly been fruitful: Home meetings, Aglows, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowships, church services, TV interviews (live and recorded), conferences (keynote speaker), individual and small group meetings, etc. That was a tidbit of the schedule … here’s the fruit: There have been reports of marriages restored, deliverance from years of nightmares, healings, a tumor that was suppose to be surgically removed but when the doctor went to perform the surgery the tumor was no where to be found, healed hearts / emotions from years of grieving, mourning, anger, etc., repentance / recommitment to the Lord, ministries breaking forth, prayer groups starting … people responding to the Word of the Lord! …and so much more.
Having said that, you can see how your prayers have provided much strength, safety, and provision for many. Nancy and other PTH team leaders have sure felt your prayers throughout this ministry time. The meetings have been filled with the love and power of God. I have to laugh sometimes because when I hear updates myself, each meeting seems to be more powerful the the last. Salvations, recommitments to the Lord, healings, deliverances: body, heart, and / or mind. Hey – when healing comes it means freedom and deliverance … deliverance and freedom! End result, people can move forward in the plans and purposes HE has for their lives. And that is fruit for His Kingdom. So thank you for your continued prayers.
Please keep these dates prayerfully in mind:
PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conferences: Theme – “War Cry! God’s Redemptive Rest”
• Ketchikan, Alaska: Sept. 24th – 26th (Thur, Fri., Sat.)
• McArthur, Ohio: Oct. 22nd-24th (Thurs., Fri., Sat.)
Ohio / West Virginia Ministry (various meetings, etc.): Watch the website for specific dates and locations for Oct. 9th – Nov. 9, 2015. (will be posted on event calendar after schedule is finalized.)
Hey, if you have never attended a PTH conference in Ketchikan … now is the time!!! Then you can say you have been to what is termed “Bush Alaska… It’s biblical 🙂 … Think like Moses: “So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.’ ”
If you have never been to a PTH Conference, I just want to encourage you to go … you will never be the same if you have ears to hear the Word.
I will conclude with this: I know I have shared in previous reports about the messages Nancy has been sharing … and the Holy Spirit gives her nuggets that are specific for each group she is speaking to (even if the theme is the same) …. Fresh manna from heaven every day. Another common message – yet not common at all, is the message the Lord has given Nancy about stirring Saints to pray. God loves America but He said we need to have callouses on our knees. So, I was thinking: If we are not on our knees … are we on our bum? (Figuratively speaking as we all know we can be in any position to pray). Point being, are we “praying without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:15) as the Word says we ought to? So, here is the question I am asking myself: “Am I a knee-er or a bummer?????” I know what I want to be … I want His Word alive and active in me. Hence, the old Hymn rings in my heart with a bit of an accent: “Draw Me Knee-er, Knee-er Blessed Lord….” Yes, I prefer callouses on my knees rather than my bum! …. respectfully :). And this is not just about praying for America …. it is praying for all He has in store for His Glory!
Blessings to all, and again, thank you for your prayer coverage!
Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator