Author Archives: Sarah Tarter

PTH Anchorage Conference

“Maturity:  Dress Yourself…..”

Dear PTH Friends,
     April is here!!!  I did a quick research regarding the meaning of April and one of the meanings I came upon was April means “In Pure Spirit”.  Amazing!  And there is nothing more pure and divine than the Holy Spirit.  Thus, it is time, once again for the PTH “HOLY SPIRIT ENCOUNTER Conference.”  Nothing like the right time and the right season!  And no better time than “The Presence”.  (see details below).
     If there wasn’t a battle, one would not know the taste of victory!  When the Holy Spirit is given permission to have His way, there will always be a battle because the enemy of the Lord “is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short.” (Rev. 12:12b).  As with changing seasons, we have to dress according to the season upon us or we will be wearing our Parkas in Spring … everything around us is bursting with new life, trees … tulips … but am I still wearing my Parka???!!!  Time to dress myself according to the season! … Yes, to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power, putting on the full armor of God… (Eph. 6).  The theme of the conference is “Maturing in His Love.  Thus, if I consider myself mature, I best “dress myself” (in His armor).  It would be very awkward if I relied on my husband to come and dress me every morning; Not to mention, he is color-blind.
     As we head into war, let us clothe ourselves with His mighty armor to rage war against principalities and unseen things.  After all, who wants to be found naked, right?  Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Point To Hope.  The Lord is doing mighty things in this hour, and though wars may come, we know victory will be tasted in the end, but we must do our part … Ask (pray):  “You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it.” (John 14:14).
     I’ve listed Nancy, and the workshop speakers below, but there are many more helping hands who come along side PTH to make the conferences successful.  As the Holy Spirit leads you to pray, “Speak it Out!”.  Also, please pray for: the worship, hospitality, families (and loved ones), traveling mercies, provision, revelation of the Holy Spirit, protection, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Declare that many will come and taste and see!  Pray for hearts to be prepared to receive the planting of the Word and impartation of teachings from His Word!   Proclaim a shield of protection around the conference and all the intercessors.  Pray for ears to hear, hearts to receive,  and an awakening in the community.  And in all this … May HE be glorified!
     Help us get the word out!  Shout it from the mountain top and the valley below!  The King is coming!  Lift up prayers as you are driving the streets – prepare the way … prepare the atmosphere …. announce what isn’t as if it is! 
     The Lord has given Nancy a powerful message for the year 2016:  Maturing in HIS LOVE: Redemptive Love, Established as a Sure Peg, and 7 Years of Plenty.   You won’t want to miss this conference!

Juneau 3:26:16
Also, Nancy and I made a quick trip to Juneau, AK …. the Lord asked her to go ASAP!  On March 26, 2016, Nancy opened the doors of the capitol …. this was a prophetic work for America … you will have to come to the conference to hear the rest of the story 🙂 ….


We look forward to seeing you again!
Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator

Point To Hope Holy Spirit Encounter Conference:  April 21-23, 2016
Theme:  Now Set Your Hearts on the Kingdom of Heaven … Maturing in His Love:

Trinity Presbyterian Church
12310 Lorraine St.
Anchorage, AK  99516
(about 2 miles up Huffman Rd, left side)

Thursday:  7:00 PM Evening Session
Friday & Saturday:
Morning Prayer:  8:30
Workshops: 10:00, 1:30, 3:30
Evening Session:  7:00 PM

Keynote Speaker:  Nancy Haney

Workshop Speakers & Titles:
Uniquely You: Patty Gray
Uniquely Gifted;  Dee Jones
Uniquely Invaluable:  Debbie Anderes
Uniquely Empowered:  Ben Glass
Uniquely Transformed:  Clay Webb
Uniquely Hard but Good:  Gene Reierson
Uniquely Winners in the End:  Tom Smalley
Uniquely The Mind of Christ: Mary Beth Shultz
Uniquely Citizens of Heaven:  Evelyn Glass
Uniquely More Than a Conqueror:  Sarah Tarter
Uniquely Seeking That Which is First:  Dr. Ilona Farr
Uniquely A Command, A promise, & A Helper:  Henry Haney, Sr.
New Zealand:  First International PTH Conference / June 2-4, 2016
Vineyard Church in Kaikoura, New Zealand

Confirmed PTH Team attending NZ Conference:
Nancy Haney
Sarah Tarter
Liz Stinson
Becky Contreras
Debbie Anderes
Patty Gray
Debbie Grimes
Lisa McDonald
Evelyn Glass
Karen Lequire
Ute Looney
Dee Jones
Saebra Pauley
Mary Beth Shultz
Sharon Rodgers
Bev Berdahl
After New Zealand, Nancy and I will continue traveling (about a 5 week span) to the following countries to pray at the capitols:
Papua New Guinea

Word from Nancy: 7.1 Shaking; Activate 7 Years of Plenty

Nancy GA 1:16

Dear PTH Friends,

Shortly after midnight Saturday, Alaska had a 7.1 earthquake on the Kenai Peninsula; Home base for PTH Ministries. We just concluded the first PTH Conference of 2016 in Georgia and declared God’s Word Hebrews 12:25-29, “See to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused Him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from Him who warns us from heaven?  At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’   The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.”

Could it be, He responded in the natural for what was declared in the Spirit?  The scriptures are full of declarations; declarations by the Lord and His servants alike.      The scripture also say we are to speak the very words of God, serve in His strength, and to Him be the glory and power (1 Peter 4:11).  Thus, if He decides to do some “shaking” we shouldn’t be surprised!  After all, He is God and He can answer anyway He chooses.  He desires to respond (in His time), we just only need to believe.

PTH GA 1:16 GA

Since Sept.13, 2015 (Jewish New Year of 2016), many have sensed … “It’s Time!  For some, it will be new ground to plow, for some it will be new planting, for some it will be watering, for some it will be harvesting.  Yet, most importantly, it will be the start of filling storehouses.  When I inquired of the Lord …storehouses???  He answered,  “With souls;  7 years of plenty, fill your storehouse with souls.”  Render to the lost with the favor of God!  I believe it is time!  7 years of plenty have been ACTIVATED …” That which will be shaken will be shaken, and that which stands firm shall not move…  We shall be like the “PEG” in God’s house (Ezra 9:8-9); Firmly established in Him so that when the “shaking” comes, we are a fixed peg!

2016 is about God’s Love.  If we claim and declare this word of redemptive love over our lives we will be established as pegs in a sure place – fixed in the “Cornerstone, Jesus Christ;”  And declaring the “7 Years of Plenty” has started for those who have ears to hear, and believe.

So be encouraged!  Clothe yourselves with His favor, go and fill the “store house” with souls.  Be clothed with hope, righteous, and boldness, go and preach His “saving grace” and we will see and realize the fruition ” 7 years of plenty,” and a small measure of revival, as it says in Ezra, chapter 9:8-9.  Be strong and courageous!  OUR VICTORY IS CLOSE at hand …. Amen!!!

To all, those who did an amazing job serving Him at the conference, and those who did an amazing job lifting the PTH conference in prayer, I say this to you:  “Well done good and faithful servants!  May God Bless you and all those you love Every day, may you be armored, and be bold and courageous, walking in His promises as He is a shield before you … And may you always claim He is your rear Guard!!!”

Amid the shaking, go in His peace, His joy, which is our strength and measure of revival, by His Grace!!!

7.1 earthquake is a sign!  In all things, we give thanks!

Love you all!!!

Word for 2016 (Nancy Haney)

Dear Friends,

Hard to believe another year is upon us!  Throughout, I’m sure we’ve all had mountains and valleys.  Still, the Lord reigns in the highs and lows of circumstances…. His grace and mercy is new every day!

So, what about 2016?  I continue to search His Word and bend my ear in to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this hour.  There are many voices longing to be heard these days but this is true … the Word / Voice of the Lord is strong and mighty and His Word will never pass away!

Still, we continue to hear much about how ‘bad’ things are and how things are just going downhill …. and fast.  Truth is, satan has always been trying to destroy believers, Christmas and the Birth of Christ.  Throughout the centuries, Christians have literally lost their lives because they believed in what Christmas represented.  Clearly, satan is not up to anything new.  God, on the other hand, can and does make all things new at His will.

This is what I hear the Lord saying about 2016:  Redemptive Love, Establish, Peg, and 7 years of plenty.  2016 is evolving into an amazing year!  Of course, satan’s mode of operation is to cast doubt on God’s truths and plant seeds of opposition;  words to tear down His provision.  That’s the job of the enemy … to kill, steal, and destroy. He knows his time is short and he’s not going to relent.  Unfortunately,  the unbelieving world gets sucked into that doom and gloom mentality.  What better way to attempt to disarm the saints of the Living God than with lies?  Those lies are repeated and repeated until they become a reality to some (yes, even believers).   Speaking those things that aren’t as if they are rings true whether positive or negative!

Yet here is the good news:  God IS and WILL ALWAYS BE in charge!

Four keys the Lord has given me for 2016:
Number 20 – Redemption
Number 16 – God’s love

2)  ESTABLISH:  In order to understand and actually realize His REDEMPTIVE LOVE, we have to be established in Him, in His Truth, His Word, and living it!

3)  A PEG:  To be assured; found as a sure peg, solidly planted in the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ. A sure place, planted in and by faith, and fixed on Jesus Christ!  Solidly fixed, standing on a firm foundation full of His plans and standards, full of His favor.

4)  7 YEARS OF PLENTY:  This actually started on September 13, 2015 at sundown, according to the Jewish calendar (the beginning of 2016).  Seven years of filling up the storehouse of the Lord with souls for the Kingdom.   To realize the fruition of 7 years of plenty, is to walk out His redemptive love, which has made us whole.  And each one is made uniquely to fulfill His plans, to be established with confidence in whom and what we are in Him – unshakable, confident, and solidly planted in His faith.  We are defined as His peg, driven in the place where our sphere of influence changes the atmosphere everywhere we go when everything we do is in the name of Jesus Christ.  We know and react to make an impact for the Kingdom, always moving forward for the Kingdom’s sake.  Finally knowing that the storehouse of God’s purposes is filling up, daily.  Seven years of favor.  Seven years of trusting God with a true strategy for family, friends, strangers, health, and finances, etc.  The key is storing up for Him.  Reread the story of Joseph, and take note of his hardships, yet incredible faith.  Are we welcoming the negative chapters of the story? …  The characters throughout Joseph’s life that believed the lies and therefore reacted on them?  His jealous brothers, always accusing, plotting to kill him; selling him to Egyptian traders who then sold Joseph as a slave!  Or how about the wicked wife seeking her own advantages? And what about Potiphar?  Initially, he loved and respected Joseph, then later, believed the lies and rejected him.  And the Pharaoh who trusted, believed and ultimately rewarded Joseph?  The end result, a nation was saved because one believed in a redemptive love, learned how to be established, became a peg firmly planted in the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ.  Joseph walked out the work of filling the storehouse with treasures … souls.

God’s will wins.  Is this you!   It’s your choice.   The truth is, the end of the Book says He wins!

Blessings in the Name of Jesus as we head into a new year to fulfill His plans and purposes!

Nancy Haney,
PTH President

Washington D.C.

Dec. 14, 2015

Dear Point To Hope Friends,

Hard to believe it is December!  However, since I am writing to “Believers” I guess it is no surprise to you! 

For some, 2015 has been a year of various storms.  Others, you may have had storms, but it was nothing like the storm the year before, and that is something to be grateful for.  What ever the weather, spiritually speaking, we know the ONE who calms the sea.  Regardless how the waves roar, we know we have a sure place if we stay anchored in the Master.  Whether your boat is rocky or smooth … our “WEATHER MAN” never changes.  It is up to us whether we believe or not.  What ever storm you faced from January until now …. here’s the good news – if you are reading this, you made it this far!  Our God is Holy and worthy of praise all the time!  Amen!

On behalf of Point To Hope Ministries, I want to thank you for your diligence to pray for Kingdom purposes and fulfilling His call for this 2015 year.  There have been many testimonies of God’s faithfulness, miracles, deliverances, healings.  And the greatest of all –  those who have said yes to Jesus and their name was written in the Book of Life!  You have been an intricate part in the many testimonies.  Like modern day “Ezras” – beseeching the Lord for safe journeys ….. Knowing His hand will be a shelter of protection against His enemy who seeks to devour His children.

“… That we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him a safe journey…” (Ezra 8:21b).  “The hand of our God is for good on all who seek Him, and the power of His wrath is against all who forsake Him.”  So we fasted and implored our God for this, and He listened to our entreaty. (Ez. 8:22b & 23)
PTH has had safe journeys through 2015, not without bumps, but definitely safe and sheltered … through all kinds of spiritual weather.  So, once again, as we move into 2016, the first thing on the schedule is Washington D.C. (last week of December, 2015).

As many of you already know, before Nancy goes into a foreign country for a prayer assignment, the first place the Lord directs her is to the embassy of that country in D.C.  It is His way of giving her the spiritual authority for specific countries.  It’s not hard to understand this spiritual concept when you read scenarios of biblical battles and the various spiritual strongholds over certain regions (ex: prince of the kingdom of Persia & prince of Greece / Dan. 10, etc). 

Having said that, PTH would greatly appreciate your prayer coverage.  Like Ezra, we recognize the necessity to seek Him for a safe journey to the embassies knowing the hand of our God is for good on all who seek Him.

On another note for Jan. & Feb.:  Nancy will be continuing on to minister in Georgia / S. Carolina (with other PTH team members joining her along the way).  Again, it is your prayers that open the heavens!   Also, the first 2016 PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conference will begin Thursday (7 PM), January 21-23, 2016, at Grace Place Farm & Lodge (1422 Reynolds Farm Rd., Grovetown, GA 30813). See the website for more conference / ministry details: 

This year’s Holy Spirit Encounter theme:  “Now Set Your Hearts on the Kingdom of Heaven … Maturing in His Love.”.  Also, more events / meetings will be added to the PTH  “event calendar” once finalized …. so stay tuned!  PTH cherishes your prayers!  They are powerful, effective, and most appreciated. … “He listened to our entreaty.” (Ez. 8:23b)

Blessings and Merry Christmas to all as we celebrate the birth of King of kings! … A daily celebration!

Sarah Tarter,
PTH Prayer Facilitator

Below is a list of embassies we (Nancy and I) will be visiting in Washington D.C.: 
Papua New Guinea

Note from Nancy: “Jehovah Raah: See My Sound”

Jehovah Raah1Nov. 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

It is nearing the end of the ministry time here in Ohio / West Virginia.  I truly have felt the power of your prayers.  I am so grateful that you have partnered with me, and all of Point To Hope, to complete the work that He has called us to do.  

At one of the last meetings, I shared a message about Jehovah Raah, “The God Who Sees.”  Abraham, Hagar, and Blind Bartimaeus had one thing in common:  Jehovah Raah opened their eyes to see what He had provided.  Well, Jehovah Raah is still the same today!

In the early morning hours, the day after I had shared this teaching, I was awakened to an invitation from the Lord … “Come, see with the eyes of MY heart.”  So, I arose with the breaking of the new day and wondered outside of the home of my friends, Dee and Norris, to see what the Lord had for me to see.  I stood on the hillside overlooking the quaint little town just outside of Parkersburg, WV.  The town, still sleeping, but I could sense the sun was anxious to awaken this quiet little valley…. A Holy hush…. So quiet and still.

The brilliance of the sun began to illuminate the beautiful fall colors clinging to an array of branches, bushes, and trees; beautiful shades of gold, orange, reds, greens, and even browns.  My heart was awakening and I began to “see” what He meant when He said: “His mercies are fresh and new every morning.”  A new morning being created before my very eyes;  A breath-taking panoramic view of radiant beauty.  I could hear him whisper in my heart:  “Behold, I make all things new!”

Then, it was as if the Lord stepped unto a rostrum and gracefully raised His arms in preparation to conduct a great symphony.   I could now hear with my ears the new things of the day; the new things He was awakening … the sound of soft-singing birds, gradually intensifying into a vibrant song; lights beginning to flicker – sections to the right, center, then left, until this sleepy little town glowed.  The next stanza I could hear the sound of doors opening and shutting, car and truck engines starting: some purring others roaring.  All the morning routines of this little town were blending together to the tap, tap, tap of the Master’s baton.  Sounds of this great symphony began to rise up the hillside as music of the day.  I watched – I listened … it was glorious!

“Jehovah Raah” opened my eyes to see with eyes of His heart.  This orchestra had been there all along!  It was already provided for me … before I beheld it – it was there!  Prepared for my enjoyment!
Jehovah Raah2Then I heard this anthem bubble up out of my soul: 

America the Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies,
for amber waves of grain;
for purple mountain majesties
above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
and crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea.

O beautiful for heroes proved
in liberating strife,
who more than self their country loved,
and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine,
till all success be nobleness,
and every gain divine.

O beautiful for patriot dream
that sees beyond the years
thine alabaster cities gleam,
undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God mend thine every flaw,
confirm thy soul in self-control,
thy liberty in law.

Oh, how beautiful these spacious skies … and the sound!  I couldn’t believe I could still remember these lyrics!  Yes, God was saying, “Good morning, America!”  Love, Jehovah Raah, “The God who sees.”


Ohio PTH Conference: Raise the WarCry! …(Joshua & Jonah)

October 21, 2015

Dear PTH Friends,

Tonight was the “pre-rally” gathering for the PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conference with the theme:  Raise the War Cry:  God’s Redemptive Rest.  It is being held at:  
     Calvary Assembly of God 63849 Us Highway 50, McArthur, Ohio.  It starts Tomorrow, Oct. 22-24, 2015:  (free of charge), All welcome!!!

Thursday Doors Open 6:30 P.M. – 7:00 PM, Evening session: Nancy  Haney
Friday & Saturday:  
  Prayer 8:30 AM Workshops 9:30 A.M,1:30 & 3:30 PM;  7:00 PM Evening sessions: Nancy Haney
(check the website for more details & contacts:


Back to the “pre-rally” … or the “kick-off” for you sports fans!  From what I am hearing, the Holy Spirit is on the move!  Moving and shaking … why?  Simply because we are the “Salt of the earth.”  I love some of the comments I have heard from the Ketchikan PTH friends:  “We will not be shaken” – we are the shakers (the vessels for salt; our body).  We are the salt!”  His Holy Spirit in us – a savory season for those we meet.  Let us be poured out for Him.

So yes!  Time to do some “shaken’ and seasoning’ “ in Ohio.  The name “Ohio” (ohi-yo), meaning “great river.”  Well, we have a Great River of Life!  And His Spirit is ready to open the flood gates and reveal the Glory of God – Jesus Christ – the Light of the World!  Yes – this is for Ohio … it is the “season”.

Sounds awesome, but it didn’t just happen!  So many have been diligently praying for God’s will and God’s order, and now is the time!  Thank YOU for your prayers – the fruit of your prayers is going to touch lives and release a “Great River”!

prayer circle (1)  This picture (above) is a representation of what your prayers are doing over the body of Christ!  We pray and intercede for the Lord to have His way in each heart and mind of those who attend! … “Ears to hear!” Many will be coming and desiring a touch from the Holy Sprit – right where they are!  They too, can be like the one sitting in the middle because God desires each one have a personal and intimate touch from HIM!  A touch that will draw them and transform them into a greater likeness of Jesus!  

The scripture found in Joshua 24:15 says this:  “… choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…”   This may seem like a rather tough “shaking” – to pick a side!  But we also don’t want to be found in the middle … where it is “lukewarm” (Rev. 3:16) … because the next action is what I call “The Jonah Move” … gettin’ spit out of the mouth!  And, if you think about it, another word for middle is “belly” … Also a  “Jonah move” due to not choosing obedience.  Whether some feel like a Joshua or Jonah – in the end, both made the right choice!

 The picture below is the sanctuary … note the demarcation line … the “lukewarm” zone …

Tomorrow, the sanctuary will be filled with those coming for a “Holy Spirit Encounter.”  And we know, when we have an encounter with the Lord … we are never the same.  So back to my statement:  “may seem like a tough shaking” – NO … because remember, we are the salt shakers and we desire to choose whom we will serve!  The King of Kings!  Even Jonah, though spit out into “salt” water no doubt, got another chance and He chose obedience!   Let us press in to pray for those who may be in the “lukewarm” realm … the opportunity is at hand for all! … simply choose whom to serve!  God’s desire is for ALL … The same Holy Spirit power is available to all – just believe!  Amen!  

The workshop speakers will be presenting “Character of Christians” found in Romans chapter 12.  Please continue to pray for them as they deliver the message the Lord has given through His Word.

workshop sp.:OH Clay

    (Left to right)
Tim & Lisa Langfitt – “War Cry:  What is Good & Acceptable”
Tammy Gilogly – “War Cry:  Live to Love”
Mary Beth Shultz – “War Cry of the Mercy of God”
Debbie Anderes – “War Cry of Living Sacrifice”
Dee Jones – “War Cry of Grace”
Evelyn Glass – “War Cry of Many Members”
Benjamin Glass  – “War Cry:  How to Behave”
Nancy Robinette – “War Cry: Don’t Give Up”
Saebra Pauley – “War Cry of Humility
Tommy Wristen – “Renewing of the Mind”
Clay Webb – “War Cry:  Prophesy of Faith”
(not pictured) Deane Wagner – “War Cry:  Overcome Evil with Good”

Nancy Ohio

Nancy (above) will be sharing a message from the heart of God by the leading of the Holy Spirit on the theme: “Raise the War Cry – God’s Redemptive Rest! … Incredibly deep and profound truths! Yet, so simple … God’s heart is His Son, Jesus Christ … and Jesus is the Word which became flesh! A message that is not just for this weekend … it is for a life time – because Jesus is Life!…. we are his warriors!

Blessings To All!
Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator

Ketchikan report & PTH Prayer Strategy

Dear PTH Friends,

Below, you will find two specific things:  
1) Ketchikan report from Debbie A.
2) A comprehensive prayer strategy for Point To Hope.

Here is an update regarding the “PTH Holy Spirit Encounter” conference in Ketchikan, Alaska.  His grace and mercy is never ending, and Ketchikan was blessed because of His Presence and our encounter with Him!

I just want to share a few thoughts regarding the PTH Ketchikan conference:

In my anguish I cried to the Lord,
And He answered by setting me free.
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?
The Lord is with me; He is my helper.
I will look in triumph on my enemies.  Psalms 118: 5-7.
This was a heart cry in Ketchikan at the PTH Conference (Sept. 24th-26th).  It was a call to those who were afraid, in need of salvation, deliverance, healing, baptism of the Holy Spirit, refreshing, encouragement, reconciliation, etc, and being set FREE.
When the Spirit of the Living God touches the life of an individual, the whole countenance of a person’s face changes … when we look up to Him, we can’t help but be changed.  You could call it a “Face Up” encounter”.

Ketchikan, we had to Face up with many issues and concerns and we have a new freedom!  We had to Face up to and return to our first Love (Rev. 2).  We had to put our Face up to see from God’s perspective in order to understand how to live in resurrection power.  Just like the song,  “God’s Not Dead … He’s Surely Alive”!   God was alive in His people over Ketchikan. Yes, becoming addicted to the purposes and presence of God… no better addiction!  Being able to see / sense Him for who He is, from every direction, in every circumstance that we are going through, causes us to grow in Him!

We all had the invitation to go to the Potter’s House and get on the Potter’s wheel  … a personal decision – Let Him shift and reshape our lives to His standard and learn to see or BEHOLD God…. whether “mature or young”.
We have two choices:  what will mold us, rule us?  Flesh or Spirit?  In Ephesians 5:15 it talks about Redeeming the time. Look circumspectly – look from every angle from God’s view.    You and I are the Sons of God.  It is time we become mature according to His standard!
What’s the difference between driving a stick shift or a standard?
With an automatic, or a standard, all you have to do is slip into “D” for drive; the gears change automatically.   A stick shift, on the other hand, takes eye, hand and foot coordination.   Spiritually speaking, let us be found according to God’s STANDARD:   God’s “G” gear!  As we shift to “G”,  He changes us automatically – His timing! … verses “self” doing the shifting when we determine – making our “own decisions in our strength.”
Psalms 27:  God’s standard tells us to Move into the Light.
God tells us, I will put you on a high rock.  I will be a sanctuary and give  Anointing power over these ones.
    I want to be one of those!   One who puts life in His standard – “G” gear … and allows Him do the driving – letting Him change me automatically, His way.   
2 Chronicles 7:14 –  IF MY people will humble themselves…
It is as if He says, “you repent and I’ll relent.”    Only mature ones can recognize this:  It isn’t a call for us to point to others to pray, but more the war inside ourselves and our circumstances that causes us to humble ourselves so we know how to Pray.    That is God’s standard.
Whether you are driving over wet lands or a dessert – God has the perfect gear!Can these dry bones live?  Resurrection power is God’s idea for us.
– Do you need to simply “let go” of some things?
– Get ready because God is waiting to / wanting to use all of us.
– Let us position ourselves to FACE UP to see His view from every angle… circumspectly.
– Move with the new and what you know, so that God can do what you don’t know  … He can and will do the impossible … when we are in His gear.
Yes, Praise the Lord, all you nations;
Extol Him, all you peoples.
For great is His love toward us, and
The faithfulness of the Lord endures forever..
Praise the Lord  Psalms 118: 1-2

Debbie Anderes,
PTH Assistant Director, Ketchikan

PTH Prayer Strategy:

A new prayer strategy for Point To Hope – for October and the unfolding of next year’s plans … I say “new” but it is actually “of old” … from Ezekiel’s era!

There will always be battles in life as long as we are in the Lord’s army, right?  God vs. evil!  Going against the grain can be challenging, no doubt!  The season upon us is the FALL season.  However, I would propose we go against the grain and declare it is a season of Rise, not fall!  Just listen to the rumbling of many voices around us these days and it is easy to hear the sound of “against the grain” of His Word.  Still, there are countless stories of wars / battles in the Bible where just a handful of His faithful defeated multitudes and armies, because of HIS strength and mighty power!  Today is no different … IF we fight using His strategic weaponry.  Though it is the fall season in the natural, through the power of prayer and declaration, it can be a supernatural season of Rise!  Rise and Siege!

Siege – “a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside.”  We are the enemy of evil! We are the military operation of the MOST HIGH and we will surround towns / buildings of situations, circumstances, disease;  We are the ones who will invade and protect the camp of the enemy … as the Holy Spirit leads….  

I have been listening to Nancy share what the Lord has been speaking to her about this next season for PTH.   I have been seeking the Lord regarding a prayer strategy for this next season and collaborating with Nancy.

Nancy has been casting vision that the Lord has given over this ministry and it is easy to see how the Lord is orchestrating something awesome; An expanse of His plans and purposes for the glory of His name! … expanding our tent pegs!   Easy to see … but the question is “How do we walk it out?” … His plans – His provision? … one prayer at a time – being very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and obedient … That’s how!  For sometime now, the Lord has given Nancy this key, this nugget:  When the Lord gives vision, He gives provision!  

Wouldn’t you agree, the Lord is continually building and refining all of us to be a beautiful bride! That is part of the provision – even if it means “uncomfortable”…getting the wrinkles out of our dress – what we are clothed in (mind sets, tradition, etc).  …  Still, we have One Hope, regardless of where we are or where we live.  Personally, this is one of the many attributes I love about PTH – that it doesn’t matter where we reside, we are all one unified part of His body.  And by now, I’m sure you’ve all noticed, the ministry of Point To Hope is not about “this ministry” … it is ALL about pointing to HOPE.  “There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one HOPE” (Eph.4:4).   

Having said that, I feel like the Lord downloaded a prayer strategy from His Word that can be applied to PTH for this season and upcoming plans.  

As the Lord is expanding the tent pegs of PTH, I feel like this is a strategy to help nurture and facilitate growth for us individually, as well as PTH, and beyond, as a whole – His Body.  This is just a frame work for us to adapt as it works for us and those we labor among; to be led by the Holy Spirit.

You will notice at the bottom of this letter, specific targeted days.  You can plug your self in and partner with others.  Knowing, “you are not along” can be a great encouragement!

Here is the strategy:

In Ezekiel Chapter 4, the Lord commands Ezekiel to draw on a tablet the city of Jerusalem and then lay siege to it:  erect siege works against it, build a ramp, set up camps, use battering rams, set an iron wall, etc. And, it will be under siege, you shall besiege it!  A basic but profound prophetic act!

Simple strategy!  Here is an example:  Nancy is currently in the Ohio / W. Virginia area for the month of October.  I drew a picture of Nancy in my journal, and then sent a text to 3 people and together we laid siege (in prayer of agreement) to pull down the plans and purposes of the Lord; protection, etc., And He will RISE!  Very simple start of a strategy.

The demographics of everyday life don’t necessarily cooperate with physical proximity.  Hence, as prayer facilitator,” I want to encourage us, as His warriors, to somehow stay connected / reaching out to others in our areas:  texting, e-mail, phone, etc …. even if it is just knowing we are connected on the same day, spiritually speaking.  That is a powerful biblical principle in the Kingdom – “power of agreement.”

What is it, according to His Word, that we need to erect siege in order to pull down His plans and purposes???… personally,  meeting as a group, e-mail,….   Is it declaring siege against discord, lack of fear of the Lord, disobedience, complacency, weariness, lack of compassion / mercy, judgement, declaring HIS Word, etc. etc….    Whatever mountains or hills have been erected that “go against the grain of the Lord” …. the Word of the Lord says in Ezekiel Chapter 6, we can speak to those mountains and hills and the sword of the Lord will tear down those altars … not by our strength … by His sword – His Word!

In our siege, we are declaring His promises to RISE! … and the plans of the enemy to fall…. let us be specific – targeted because the Lord’s anointing and favor is upon His Word!

So there it is …. simple strategy!  

For your information, I have proposed the following prayer strategy table if you’d like to join in praying for PTH Ministries for the upcoming year every.   Every day is covered … “7” for complete.  

Use the weekly table below as a guideline; However it fits for your GENERAL location, and plug yourself / selves in as ONE in His body.  For example, maybe you don’t live in a northern state per se, yet you could consider yourself a “northern” part of a state:, etc.:

  Sunday:  Alaska
  Monday: Northern states / regions
  Tuesday: Outside the United States
  Wednesday: Interior states / regions
  Thursday:  Eastern states / regions
  Friday:  Southern states / regions
  Saturday:  Western states /  regions

See where your “lot” falls …..  His Word is that we pray without ceasing, so let us pray “lots”!

Here’s the deal:  There is no “wrong way” to plug yourself in to establish prayer coverage … I’m praying for His creativity and His leading for all.  I know many of you already gather for prayer, or have prayer established … I don’t want us to “reinvent the wheel” but I want to decree: “the wheels shall roll throughout His land!  Miles never have to be a barrier as we can connect with others in a variety of ways.  “Connect” is a broad term – declare it be broad!  Those He calls, He equips and I know the Lord is going to do awesome things through all!

Lastly, but extremely important:  Keep Nancy / PTH in prayer for this next season as decisions are being made (events / places of 2016) … plans / assignments for what  / when / where ….

PTH Prayer Facilitator

Draw Me Knee-er Blessed Lord


  Dear PTH Friends,

After traveling to 9 countries and various cities, Nancy and I (Sarah) returned to America on July 15th.  As noted in the last report, we flew to Washington D.C. the next day for a day trip to pray.  On Aug. 8th, I returned to work in Alaska and the same day Debbie Grimes flew in from Alaska to continue with Nancy and the other PTH leaders from Georgia and South Carolina.  Thus, since July 18th and continuing through Aug. 30th, the Point To Hope ministry schedule has been very full and has truly been fruitful:  Home meetings, Aglows, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowships, church services, TV interviews (live and recorded), conferences (keynote speaker), individual and small group meetings, etc.  That was a tidbit of the schedule … here’s the fruit:  There have been reports of marriages restored, deliverance from years of nightmares, healings, a tumor that was suppose to be surgically removed but when the doctor went to perform the surgery the tumor was no where to be found, healed hearts / emotions from years of grieving, mourning, anger, etc.,  repentance / recommitment to the Lord, ministries breaking forth, prayer groups starting … people responding to the Word of the Lord! …and so much more.  

Having said that, you can see how your prayers have provided much strength, safety, and provision for many.  Nancy and other PTH team leaders have sure felt your prayers throughout this ministry time.  The meetings have been filled with the love and power of God.  I have to laugh sometimes because when I hear updates myself, each meeting seems to be more powerful the the last.  Salvations, recommitments to the Lord, healings, deliverances: body, heart, and / or mind.   Hey – when healing comes it means freedom and deliverance … deliverance and freedom!  End result, people can move forward in the plans and purposes HE has for their lives.  And that is fruit for His Kingdom.  So thank you for your continued prayers.  

Please keep these dates prayerfully in mind:

PTH Holy Spirit Encounter Conferences:  Theme – “War Cry! God’s Redemptive Rest”
    •    Ketchikan, Alaska:  Sept. 24th – 26th (Thur, Fri., Sat.)
    •    McArthur, Ohio:  Oct. 22nd-24th (Thurs., Fri., Sat.)

Ohio / West Virginia Ministry (various meetings, etc.): Watch the website for specific dates and locations for Oct. 9th – Nov. 9, 2015.  (will be posted on event calendar after schedule is finalized.)

Hey, if you have never attended a PTH conference in Ketchikan … now is the time!!!  Then you can say you have been to what is termed “Bush Alaska…  It’s biblical 🙂 … Think like Moses:  “So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.’ ”

If you have never been to a PTH Conference, I just want to encourage you to go … you will never be the same if you have ears to hear the Word.

I will conclude with this:  I know I have shared in previous reports about the messages Nancy has been sharing … and the Holy Spirit gives her nuggets that are specific for each group she is speaking to (even if the theme is the same) …. Fresh manna from heaven every day.  Another common message – yet not common at all, is the message the Lord has given Nancy about stirring Saints to pray.  God loves America but He said we need to have callouses on our knees.  So, I was thinking:  If we are not on our knees … are we on our bum?  (Figuratively speaking as we all know we can be in any position to pray).  Point being, are we “praying without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:15) as the Word says we ought to?  So, here is the question I am asking myself:  “Am I a knee-er or a bummer?????”  I know what I want to be … I want His Word alive and active in me.  Hence, the old Hymn rings in my heart with a bit of an accent:  “Draw Me Knee-er, Knee-er Blessed Lord….”  Yes, I prefer callouses on my knees rather than my bum! …. respectfully :).  And this is not just about praying for America …. it is praying for all He has in store for His Glory!

Blessings to all, and again, thank you for your prayer coverage!

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator

“Capitol” J E S U S … Washington D.C. & Israel

US capitol

July 21, 2015

Dear PTH Intercessors / Friends,

Nancy and I arrived back in the USA the evening of July 15th. On the 16th, we flew early in the morning from Atlanta, GA to Washington DC for a day trip to pray for our own country.  And would you believe, we saw the darndest thing! … Jesus was at the capitol!  “Capitol Jesus!”  I wish that I had captured a picture of it, but a man had just removed Him (the life size model of Jesus) standing on the sidewalk of the capitol building and packed him in the back of his mini van.  

Now, that might sound odd and it may look like He has been removed – “Jesus left the capitol” … but I am here to tell you – NOT SO!  The Lord gave Nancy a powerful word regarding America and the “inside scoop” of what is going on within the walls of the capitol building.  I think you will be very encouraged to not lose hope for America and continue to pray mightily for the decisions our leaders are encountering.  Yes, your prayers matter!  The Lord gave Nancy a very revitalizing word about your prayers for our country and its governmental leaders.

While in D.C., we had 6 hours to prayer walk the places the Lord gave Nancy:  The White House, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Customs & Borders, IRS, FBI, Dept. of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, Capitol Building, & Supreme Court.

We walked and prayed, stopping at each targeted building.  The Capitol was much more specific.  We stood at the eastern side of the capitol and repented; Again using the emblems of the 21 link chain, oil, red ribbon trimmed with gold, a heart, a dime, and the scriptures describing the 21 characteristic of a hypocrite and the 21 things which men will do in the last days (Matt. 23:2-33 & 2 Tim. 3:2-5).   Then the outpouring! ….

The Lord showed Nancy two tables:  Each table with groups of people.  The one side was filled with lots of beautifully packaged gifts and those in front of the gifts were happily smiling, yet behind their backs they had their fingers crossed.  On the other side … no gifts, but people full of peace and a pure hearts with opened hands.  This side also was both men and women (but mostly men)…. older people – “the mature”.  Yet, this side was also full of battle wounds and bandages from heat to toe … including their backs.

Nancy’s initial thought was that the gifts were from the Lord, but it wasn’t settling right in her spirt.  When she questioned the Lord, He said the gifts are “pay offs for positions … kickbacks for personal gain.”   Those with out the gifts are those leaders who are stationed to be steadfast.  They could have left their political office long ago because of such unfairness, yet they chose to hold their post and protect and defend the nation of America.  They are chose to lay down their lives for righteousness and not personal gain … or personal gifts!  

Do your prayers matter?  The Lord said pray for these soldiers who are wounded in battle but are standing their posts because it is the right thing … the righteous thing to do!  Pray that they are strengthened and encouraged to be bold and strong!   Pray their hope and strength in renewed and refreshed!  Pray that their eyes of understanding be wide open!!!

As we were walking away from the capitol, Nancy had a vision of thousands upon thousands of fiery missiles hitting D.C., multiple missiles from every direction, but mostly from the west.   Nancy was like “Oh no!” … but the Lord said those are flaming missiles of prayers!  Wow!

Not by might, nor power, but by HIS Spirit (Zech. 4:6) …. this is not a struggle of flesh and blood but of spiritual darkness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).

I was reminded of Gideon’s dilemma in Judges chapter 6.  The Lord told Gideon to “go in your strength and deliver…Have I not sent you?” (vs. 14).  Yet Gideon reminded the Lord his family was the least.  And, not only did God choose the “least” he also took the least and refined them to even fewer in number (Chap. 7).  This God of Gideon is STILL ON HIS THRONE today!  … and HE is OUR God!!!

Saints, “Gideons” … keep praying … the Lord has chosen you so that HE can demonstrate His power!  It is hard to comprehend, but Gideon’s army of a mere 300 defeated an army described with numbers  like this:  an army as numerous as locust … camels without numbers … as numerous as the sands on the seashore (Judges 6:12).  Imagine yourself standing with a few of your trusted friends and your standing against your entire city … who wins the battle?  By appearance of the world, it is not you and your friends … BUT God says it is the few whom HE has chosen to win … not because of their power – but HIS power!  And if God be for us, who can be against us? (Ro. 8:31).  Only by HIS WORD; His Spirit!  

So, be encouraged!  The Lord also told Nancy (and repeated Himself several times) “I love America!”  I don’t think He was repeating Himself because Nancy didn’t hear Him; …. she did – the first time He said it!  I think He wanted to emphasis the fact that He loves America … The nation build on the foundation of Himself!  

Stand firm at your post and pray for our leaders – for those with their hands opened AND for those with fingers crossed … because like Gideon – God will deliver!


I haven’t had a chance to send out a report about our time an Israel.  However, Nancy had been texting notes to her husband, Henry regarding our day.  Thus, I thought you might enjoy reading reports from Henry that he was sending out to some intercessors regarding our time in Israel.

Notes from Henry:  
Wednesday, July 01, 2015 11:26 AM

Nancy and Sarah arrived in Tel Aviv at 2:00 pm Israel time (3 am Alaska time – 7 pm Hong Kong time)
Passed through customs and immigration with no problems.
Driver and taxi were there to pick them up.
Flight was very “easy” 4 hours.
They expressed how much God has been pouring forth amazing favor over them through the entire time of this summer ministry.
They had dinner, walked around taking care of a few errands, and have now gone to bed for much needed rest.
FYI: Nancy did express once more, a heavy sadness for the people of Russia; no details yet but deeply heartfelt.

On Jul 2, 2015, at 12:58 AM:

Nancy and Sarah are going to be resting until the end of Shabbat (the Sabbath Day) [Saturday at Sundown]
Nancy and are asking for the intercessors to join with them in prayer for Israel and Israel’s leaders.
They are also asking for prayer that the Holy Spirit would give them revelation that they may be praying the will of God at all times!
Have been researching their travel to the Valley of Elah (David and Goliath [and much more])
On Jul 2, 2015, at 10:42 PM:

Nancy and Sarah are already beginning to catch up on their rest.  First night they slept 12 hours straight through!
Please join with me to pray for Nancy and Sarah and the battle(s) at hand in Israel.
These next few days, God is blessing Nancy and Sarah with a divine time of peace and rest so as to effectively pray and listen for His revelation,
But now is not the time for the watchmen to rest!
Rather it is the time to pray for Nancy and Sarah, that God would prepare them, filling then with an increased impartation of Holy Spirit wisdom, power and stamina, so they will be prepared as they go forth as kingdom people in Jesus name.
This is also a time that prayer should be lifted up for one another, that we would continue to be effective for the kingdom in Jesus name as watchmen and intercessors…..
And we would not grow weary of well doing during the upcoming times of prayer.
Please be aware…..All of the countries so far have been a “warm-up”.  Israel, and especially Jerusalem,  is like no other place on earth.
It is profoundly intense.  There are spirits of all manner, some are very ancient and deeply entrenched.
As watchmen of the Lord who are standing in the gap, we must be ever vigilant and spiritually sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Thank you for your prayers. Blessings your brother in Christ, Henry  
On Jul 4, 2015, at 11:22 AM:

I am forwarding comments and a word from Nancy.
I am also forwarding a Liz’s e-mail with comments, and a dream.
I have not tried to interpret these.  If you sense a leading, please forward what you are seeing and hearing.
Please continue to lift up Nancy and Sarah, but also one another in prayer.  I have had three different reports of very distractive circumstances (illnesses and family issues) that are trying to get in the way of the commitment to pray.  I speak as though this were a spirit…..I believe it to be so… angry spirit of distraction attacking each one so as to weaken, bit by bit the group who are praying.  This is becoming more apparent as the Nancy and Sarah begin to minister and fulfill the call in Israel. Just as David’s mighty men (warrior’s in their own right) formed around their king to hold him up, so we shall in prayer, come around Nancy and Sarah to see God’s assignment for Israel l completed. I would say to the warriors of prayer, praise God that we are found worthy to suffer in various ways for His kingdom advancement and glory. When the enemy comes to try to distract you, lift up the name of Jesus and proclaim from the heights, if God is for me – who can be against me! and in the power of the Holy Spirit declare your victory over satan, you devil get behind me in Jesus’ name for you are getting in the way of God’s purposes!
In the days ahead …. as Nancy related earlier in the journey … pray hard, be believing, completely convinced that it is making a difference.
Amen…..your brother in Christ, Henry  
(Note from Liz) …Dear Henry,
I don’t know why,  nor do I understand some of this but (I thought I would share ).  The biblical city of Nineveh keeps coming across my plate. I do know it was s fortress (stronghold ) supposedly impenetrable but was eventually sacked. I believe there were prophecies about it in the word. I think it was accessed  and brought down by its water source.  So I thought maybe Nancy and Sarah are dealing with that kind of s stronghold Spirit in Israel.   It was also a big center of worship of Isis or Ishtar and a fish god I think.
The other thing I’d like to share us that I feel God gave me the word perseverance from the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elisha had perseverance even though Elijah tried to tell him to go – Elisha persisted in staying with Elijah and as a result got the double portion to be able to lead Gods people.  
I know that Nancy and Sarah’s perseverance in staying the course will make an eternal difference.  I so appreciate them and their sensitivity to God’s leading.  I bless them in their obedience.   I am believing that God is faithful to put all the pieces together for a sure victory.
On Jul 7, 2015, at 12:10 AM:

Please keep Nancy and Sarah in prayer for traveling mercies as they travel to the North west corner of Israel, across to Banias (Caesarea Philippi), then down to Sea of Galilee to pray at “The Church of the Primacy of St. Peter”.  This is the location where Jesus commissioned Peter to “feed my sheep”. They will then go down to the Yardenit Baptism location on the Jordan River, and finally return to Tel Aviv, traveling westward but to the north of the west bank area.
They will be near both the Lebanon border, Syria border, Jordan border, and Palestinian West Bank area. Pray Israel’s neighbors are heavily influence by God’s hand so they would be in a good mood all day today.
Blessings, Henry

On Jul 8, 2015, at 9:29 PM:
Nancy and Sarah again have had a very successful day with amazing coverage by God’s Hand.  It is very evident that the prayer team has been standing in the gap and calling upon the Lord. Nancy message was that it is going very well with VERY POWERFUL PRAYERS!!!
However the work is not completed…..again the Lord is calling upon the watchmen to press in even more…..Nancy and Sarah will be traveling from Tel aviv to Ashdod, then past Ashelon to Sderot for they have been directed to pryer at Sderot.  this town is located approximately 1 mile from the Gaza Strip.

This used to be the place in the news, where all of the missiles were aimed at coming from Gaza. None have fallen here in 2015, essentially since the end of the conflict in 2014.  There have been a few missiles that have come down in Ashkelon just north of Gaza, but Hamas, for the time being, has put a very severe restriction on any missiles being launched by anyone from Gaza. I checked this out and there could not be a safer time to be in Sderot (relatively speaking) than tomorrow, July 9, 2015. Yes, it will be intense as it was when Nancy and I visited Hebron in the West Bank 10 years ago.  However with much prayer, I believe it will go well.
Just as we were praying when they went into Red Square in Moscow….. Stealth invisibility would continue … but even more so by through the Hand of god and His covering; a hedge, a bulwark, a wall of fiery anointing surrounding them!

Be it known before all heaven…..the prayer team will be praying, we declare that God is faithful, and lift up Jesus the Messiah and His Kingdom so that they shall will be proclaimed, as Nancy and Sarah pray the borders of Israel to the Glory of God!
Set a hedge of protection, that satan cannot even see Nancy or Sarah
Job 1:9 Then Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? 10 “Have You not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
Set a mighty bulwark by God’s Hand that the fiery darts of the enemy cannot cross
Ps 91:4 He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.
Set a wall of fire full of anointing from heaven flowing into and outward in both Nancy and Sarah
Zech 2:5 ‘For I,’ declares the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'”
Set songs of deliverance and shouts of victory – God lifting up the overcoming victory of His faithful daughters
Ps 32:7 You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble;
You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.
Isa 42:10 Sing to the Lord a new song,
Sing His praise from the end of the earth!
You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it.
You islands, and those who dwell on them.
11 Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices,
The settlements where Kedar inhabits.
Let the inhabitants of Sela sing aloud,
Let them shout for joy from the tops of the mountains.
12 Let them give glory to the Lord
And declare His praise in the coastlands.
13 The Lord will go forth like a warrior,
He will arouse His zeal like a man of war.
He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry.
He will prevail against His enemies.

FYI: Sderot is Hebrew for Boulevard … a wide broad way … a way that is going to become one of the launching the gospel missiles “into” Gaze.

John 14:6  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. NASU
For the gates of resistance shall be broken for Jesus and His kingdom is for all people…..
Ps 24:7 Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in!
8 Who is the King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O gates,
And lift them up, O ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in!
10 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah.
A powerful change is coming upon the land as God moves His Hand
Isa 35: 1The wilderness and the desert will be glad… (read the whole chapter for God’s promise!)

Blessings, Henry
On Jul 9, 2015, at 10:56 PM:

Nancy and Sarah completed the prayer assignment at Sderot. They were there without incident for almost an hour. The police station had them go around and see all of the missile fragments retrieved from attacks coming from Gaza. This was very emotional for them and for their driver almost bringing him to tears with thankfulness for their prayers. Nancy and Sarah prayed, repented, rejoiced, and gave thanksgiving; for as Nancy related to me…..God says He has ears to hear —and has heard us all and is listening to the prayers for Sderot and for Gaza.
bombtails    “Bomb tails” shot from Gaza into Sderot area.

One of the their prayer concerns was for the children of the city. Liz had sent Nancy a text with information that approximately 70% of the children suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) due to the rockets and explosions. It is extremely stressful living there. For example, in Tel Aviv, there is approximately 40 sec when the missile sirens sound to find the way to a nearby bomb shelter. In Sderot there is less than 15 sec so even school playgrounds have bomb shelters incorporated in the playground equipment. Be aware, from what I can research, many Jewish people “choose” to live there. Nancy and Sarah prayed for children, but also parents, other adults, local and national leaders, and all in Israel who are to some degree, also affected by PTSD…..
Nancy and Sarah also prayed outside the city along the highway that faces Gaza. This area is within 800 meters (about a half-mile) from the Gaza boundary fence. They prayed for Sderot but also for the people of Gaza, that they would be given a honest and true resolution to their physical, emotional and spiritual misery and hopelessness. They declared prophetically…..that God has an ultimate plan calling Sderot – and they will send in Gospel missiles into Gaza, and Jesus’ name will be on the tip.
They also prayed for all the borders of Israel and all of the countries touching the Mediterranean sea as Israel does.
Nancy and Sarah expressed much thanks to all for the powerful prayer coverage.
They went back to their hotel with great intentions of swimming in the “safe” Mediterranean but “jelly fish” season is arriving (some as big as a volleyball). Is this prophetic (?) possibly.  Consider, sometimes that which is beautiful and appears harmless (jelly fish) can truly be deadly. Even in a place we have deemed as being safe (Mediterranean Beach in Tel Aviv). I suspect we need to be ramping up prayer as God’s watchmen and intercessor’s for Nancy and Sarah’s eyes to be opened, so they may see like the Eagle as the Holy Spirit gives them vision, so they may see in ways and to a depth they have not seen previously, whether when viewing something new, or something they have seen many times before.

Blessings your brother in Christ, Henry
On Jul 14, 2015, at 1:56 PM:

Nancy and Sarah are on their way to the airport for their journey to Atlanta.
Certainly please pray for traveling mercies, but also especially be lifting Nancy up as her INR blood thinner reading was a bit low.
Adjustments are being made.
Prayer will make all the difference.
Blessings, Henry
On Jul 16, 2015, at 12:23 AM,:

Nancy and Sarah landed in Atlanta on-time and told of the extraordinary favor they received on the journey…..first to load on the plane, bypassing 200+ people when they went through immigration on entering USA… 200+ Nancy said No Lines – No Waiting – continual called to the front…..though they were able to get some sleep on the plane they were exceedingly tired…..and checked into their hotel, quickly ate and then even more quickly went right to sleep.  They are off tomorrow for Washington DC.

Blessings, Henry


So … now in Augusta, Georgia area:  

Thank you for your continued prayers for Nancy / Point To Hope Ministries.  You can see a detailed itinerary on the website:  There are daily meetings scheduled; sometimes more than one a day: not to mention, needs come up that are not on the schedule.  We thank you so much for your prayer coverage!  Please continue to pray for safety on the roads, and strength in our natural beings to carry out His supernatural “Be’s” … Let it Be so, Amen!

I just want to close with this.  Yes, there is an itinerary of “scheduled meetings” for this ministry, but I want to remind you and encourage you in this:  “YOU” are this ministry … we are ONE body!  The other day we were driving to a Sunday AM meeting and we had been receiving texts and messages thanking us for our obedience and faithfulness to go.  I couldn’t help but think this – to me YOU are the obedient!  … Greater is the obedience of those who carry on in their day to day routine that life demands and still YOU are faithful and obedience to pray as the Lord leads whether or not you see or hear.  That’s faithful in my mind.  Thank you!  We are all at war regardless if at home or on the field.  

Again, we are so thankful for for your prayer coverage!  We love the people of all nations but there is nothing like home!  It is great to be back in America!

Love and blessings to all!

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator

China, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Seoul, Russia, & … Israel

July 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

Why so many countries?? … and still more nations in the future!  Nancy believes it is God’s desire to give nations an open door to return to Him and bring His order, His Glory, and turn hearts to Jesus Christ.  She often wonders how many others have been asked to go before her?  Truly, there are many who have also gone before and will surely follow and pray and declare God’s Word in the way He directs.   Still, for now, the Lord has put a mandate on Nancy / Point To Hope, just as He has called others to do His bidding.

The mandate is simply this:  To go to the Eastern Gate / side of each parliament building in each nations’ capitol and listed in His Word are 21 characteristic of a hypocrite (Matt. 23:2-33 & 2 Tim. 3:2-5).  As a prophetic act, a little chain with 21 links is broken after repenting for the sins and declaring God’s glory return once again (Ez. 43:4);  Then, a little red (for the blood) ribbon trimmed with gold (God’s glory) is saturated with oil (anointing of the Holy Spirit), a heart (representing God’s heart for the nation), and a dime (10 for testimony – testimony of Jesus Christ)… these emblems are left at the parliament – typically around a tree if possible.  Additionally, prayers of blessing and provision are offered for the governmental leaders of the nations; prayers that there ears, eyes, and hearts would be open to receive the goodness that that Lord has for them as a nation.  Prays of reconciliation among themselves, other countries, but more importantly, reconciliation to the ONE who gave His life for each one as an individual.  Prayers that the leaders would “raise the war cry” for God and that their country would prosper according to the Word of God and His lovingkindness would be accepted.

The Bible is full of accounts of both simple and profound individuals who simply said “yes” to the Lord and God was able to move mountains; raise nations and defeat nations!  You also have said “yes” and He is working His might and power through your prayers to fulfill His plans and purposes for ALL His people – nation by nation, and one heart at a time.

                         Thank you!

Beijing, China (June 10th):
Three of our friends from Hong Kong joined us when we flew to Beijing.  It was an amazing day.  This may seem simple, but the temperature were very pleasant – an unusually cool day for June…. a supernatural day!  We walked along the Eastern Gate of the Parliament building.  It was closed up pretty tight.  However, after we had finished praying, the gates opened before our eyes.  One of the things we found was a large button and the Lord said, He was going to be “pushing some buttons.”  The next day in the Hong Kong news, one of China’s high ranking governmental officials was exposed for corruption.

Beijing Cap

I also wanted to mention, the previous day, we prayed at Tiananmen Square, also known as “Gate of Heavenly Peace.  After we lifted prayers of repentance and declaration, the skies started rolling with a gentle thunder and light “showers of blessings” began to fall!  

It was awesome to collaborate with our Hong Kong friends from Aglow (Alice, Virginia, & Jane).  Together, we took God’s Word and declared it for all of China…. you were right there with us!

Also, before leaving Alaska (in May), the Lord gave Nancy a word regarding China:
I’m (meaning the Lord) going to make changes:
– There will be a day when you will not need a VISA to enter China (picture of entry from the South).
– Changes from the old to the new
– hearts are going to be changed (officials / gov.)

Also, years ago, He told Nancy China will be one of the greatest evangelical nations spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ …. that is coming to pass!  They distribute an enormous amount of Christian materials and are reaching out to many people, particularly Muslims, in great numbers.

Also, regarding the VISAs … back in early June, I think I asked for prayer because we had to apply for a Chinese VISA as soon as we arrived in Hong Kong and didn’t have much time for processing … thus praying for favor and we would be allowed access.  Well, I am happy to share this report:  When we got our passports back, I have been a given 10 year VISA for China, and Nancy a 1 year (only 1 year because her passport is about to expire).  However, she can receive a ten year VISA with a renewed passport.  Praise God!

Manila, Philippines (June 18th):


Posted at the entrance:  “Show your ID” … Well, all I can say is, Nancy just had to sign what looked like a guest book and we had access to the Senate of the Philippines to pray.  In addition to repenting for the 21 sins, the Lord had given Nancy some specific things to pray for the Philippines when we went to this embassy in DC last December.   One of the things we saw in DC was old newspapers.  Guess what we saw on this day?  An old newspaper; And, it was as if it was being read by the wind with its full length pages gently turning.  Another word the Lord had given Nancy in DC was that the “side door” was always used.  Yes, there was a main entrance at this parliament, but it was the side gate that seemed to be opening and shutting.    

One of the things the Lord showed Nancy to pray (while in DC/embassy) was to free this nation of a victim mentality.  Well, it was evident in the cast system, but it was also evident that the Lord is bringing this people group out of this mentality and breaking the cast! 

Canberra, Australia (June 22):

Australia       Australia cap

Time to apply all layers of clothing!  Temperature was chilly but the grass was still being mowed in winter!   This parliament was immaculate and massive … well groomed.  We took an early morning four hour train prayer journey from Sidney to Canberra.  Again, we prayed and repented for the 21 sins found in 2 Tim. 3:2-5 & Matt. 23:2-33.   It may seem the same:  a 21 link chain, a gold lined red ribbon, anointing oil, a little heart symbol, and a dime (for testimony) … but the Word of the Lord is alive and active … fresh and new every day.

As soon as we finished praying, two exterminators emerged from the woods like clock work!  A declaration and sign to Australia that the Lord will contend / exterminate things going the “wrong way”.  

Australia exterminators

Also a sign to us, was a large square button found … how many buttons show up at parliaments?  Remember, we also found a button in Beijing (China).

Here is another note worthy of reporting as I think it will encourage you to know your prayers are effective.  After finishing at the parliament, we had about 6 hours to kill and it was pretty windy and cold.  Nancy’s cell phone rang …. which that has not happened since leaving Alaska.  So, it rang but the question was to answer or not –  considering the charges.  Nancy answered and it was the airlines saying our evening flight back to Sidney was cancelled – could we come for an earlier or later flight?  (We had taken the train from Sydney to Wellington and we were returning via plane).   We opted for earlier flight.  From the airport in Sydney, we were able to easily hop on the subway train and within a couple stops, see a few familiar sights which Australia is known for:  The Sydney Opera House & the Sydney Harbor Bridge.  Thank you for your intercession that paved the way for the day’s journey and God’s favor.

I also wanted to quickly mention, we had the opportunity to attend a Hillsong Church service on a Sunday evening.  It was awesome to worship with other believers, but I think a highlight for both Nancy and I was our Muslim taxi driver.  It was about an hour drive, oneway, and he was willing to wait for us until the service ended.  Let me just say this:  He got an earful of the goodness of Jesus Christ as one’s best friend.  He asked the right questions and we could tell the answers left much room for him to ponder.  And, Hillsong, as a church, gives out new bibles to visitors …. so guess who got a new bible?  Please continue to pray for our new friend, our Muslim taxi driver.

Wellington, New Zealand (June 23rd):
The Lord did say this 2015 year theme is: Raise the War Cry!: Redemptive Rest!   “Seals … as in Christian Seals / Christian Creed” …. Seems like a silly picture, but not when the Word of the Lord sheds light:   “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Cor. 1:27 / KJV).  We found this “little” seal fast asleep on the shores of New Zealand – amid the hustle and bustle of human-kind surrounding it – the “parking lot” was not its permanent home.  Still, this seal found redemptive rest and peace regardless its war-like surroundings of cars and people. …  Likewise, our “parking lot” is not this earth … “But our homeland is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20a).  This was not our purpose in New Zealand, but was a pleasant reminder of the PTH theme this year about the “Navy SEALs / Christian Seal”.  You could say this “little seal” was a neighbor of our dear friend, Annie Cox (a long standing friend to many Alaskans whom returned to her homeland of New Zealand).  Annie flew to Wellington (capitol of NZ) and prayed at the parliament with Nancy and I.

seal resting    New Zealand

Annie shared that last year (2014) marked the 200th year since Samuel Marsden introduced Christianity to New Zealand.  Now, 201 years later, we stood at the Eastern Gate of the parliament and repented, declared God’s Word, and petitioned for restoration and revival for the people of New Zealand.  It was chilly, slightly windy and rainy, but the Spirit of the Lord burned fervently!

And, Annie offered an open invitation for Point To Hope to return to New Zealand.

Seoul, South Korea (June 28th):
Wow!  I think S. Korea was both Nancy and my “favorite” parliament.  We were there on a Sunday, so we had the whole place to ourselves … at least the outer courts!  First glimpse was amazing … a large concrete building, yet in the foreground, stood a seemingly out-of-place sculpture of a tree … from a distance, it looked like a “Fruit of the Spirit” tree. 

S.Korea fruit tree     N.Korea free

We also visited South Korea’s Observatory.  It was as close as we could get to the border of North Korea to pray.  North Korea can be seen in the distance.  It is no coincidence that the word “free” is labeled on the view finder!  Nancy prayed blessings on both North and South Korea; Healing and reconciliation – with one another and with the Lord.  And that one day, it will be a country of “Korea”.   (A few days prior, Debbie A., from Ketchikan also sent a verse from Joshua 6:16, “Shout, for the Lord has given you Korea.”    Nancy heard the Lord say, “Enough is enough!” The fear of constant thread will be no more;  There will be a day when those in N. Korea will flood into S. Korea because communism will be no more…. there is a mother’s heart of God for her nation and she is calling out restore, restore, restore what the canker worm has eaten.  The walls are coming down, prepare for battle as it will be humbling and hard for both; give and take.  

Here is a photo of Nancy and our taxi driver who took us to the parliament in South Korea.  I know many of you had been praying for our transportation to the parliament because we had quite a distance to our destination and an need of an English speaking driver.   When he said he spoke “a little English” he was right.  And, I might also add, speaking doesn’t necessarily mean understanding;  He did smile a lot and was very pleasant and professional.

So, why include this picture?  We don’t know his name and odds of meeting him again are probably a big zero.  However, I couldn’t help wonder if he realized he was compelled by the Holy Spirit on this day!  He didn’t just “give us a ride” … he transported God’s plans and purposes on this warm June 28th day in the year 2015!  You wonder if your prayers are effective … necessary?  I am sure there are days in your own prayer closet when you wonder if you are “hitting the mark,” etc.  I’m guessing you did not hear first hand from God the places the Lord has called Nancy to.  Still, you are compelled by the Spirit of the Lord to intercede, regardless of what you know or don’t know; or understand.  Perhaps Noah’s family was in the same boat???  As far as I can tell, Noah was the only one who actually heard God say “make for yourself, an ark” (Gen. 6:14); And a 3-decker ark, no less – BIG PLANS in store.  As far fetched as it may have seemed to Noah’s family,  they helped build the ark to transport God’s plans for mankind; You, also, through prayer, are building an ark for HIS presence of mankind.  Seems far-fetched, but not so!! HIS word never returns void.  Thus, whether our taxi driver knew or felt any accomplishment of his day … there was an accomplishment in the spirit realm for South Korea… and North Korea.

S.Korea -driver

Moscow, Russia (June 30th):
I know many of you have inquired specifically about Russia.  If you remember the word the Lord gave Nancy when we were at the Russian embassy in Washington, DC (back in Dec. 2014) – there was going to be  “wreck … a shattering”; don’t know what that means, but that is what the Lord told Nancy (last Dec.).   We connected with our tour guide (which was required for us to even have entrance into Russia.)  She was 28 years old and had been hired to provide us with Russian history around the Red Square area and Saint Basil’s Cathedral.  The parliament building was a few blocks away.  Our guide was amazed that we wanted to go there and quickly warned us we would not be permitted in.  No problem!  I don’t think we have been permitted in a foreign parliament yet, other than a few in the Scandinavian countries.  We just needed the Easter side and the Word of God … and that we had.  I think our guide was not so sure what to think, but she was included in our declaration as a Russian citizen.  The Power of Agreement!  

Again, when we were in DC at the embassy, the Lord showed Nancy there are good Christians in Russia – please continue to pray for them.  

I think Nancy and I had the same impression regarding our visit to Moscow.  You know how it is on those days when you just feel like you are “getting by” and going through mundane things in life – like a “coldness;” kind of a “self” attitude …. that’s the feeling we had, spiritually speaking.  
russia           St Basil's Catherderal

Israel (July 1-15th):
Now in Israel, trying to catch up a little from back to back long flights, etc.  Yet, there is much to do and we really covet your prayer coverage for God’s perfect plan for what He desires to be fulfilled in this time and season for Israel.   We will at some point, go to the City of David in Jerusalem (that may entail a few days); also, some various sites of David (as a young warrior), perhaps Bethlehem, as well as some other areas around Tel Aviv like the Port of Jaffa (a good reminder not to be a Jonah … don’t be a runner – be a “forerunner”.   However, we know there is more, but right now, it is a need to know basis for all of us.  Thus, please continue to uphold us in prayer.  

July 16th … Washington, DC; Capitol Building & White House (Day trip).  
We were asked the same question from people in several countries …. What is wrong with your country (meaning America)???  And, we heard many times over:  “There’s no hope for America”!

After we had finished our prayer at the parliament in Canberra, Australia, the Lord told Nancy this:  “Your country (meaning America) is being cursed from every direction; Words spoken as if they are so.  You know what you have to do?   Nancy’s reply, “Go back to my capitol and pray for my country and its governing leaders.”

No better time than the present:  Nancy and I arrive back in America on July 15th.  Early morning of the 16th, we will fly to DC for a quick day trip to fulfill the Lord’s request.  Praise God,  for the ‘day of rest’ in our schedule that permitted time to do this day trip (the 16th of July . 16= God’s Love) …  Again, this is the year of Raise the War Cry: God’s Redemptive Rest! 

Blessings to all and again, thank you for you precious prayer coverage.  Again, my apologies for the time span from the last report, but we’ve literally been in and out of meetings, parliaments, train stations, and airports.  

Please don’t hesitate to e-mail if the Lord shows you anything:  dream / vision, scripture, etc.  We are in this together!

Sarah Tarter
PTH Prayer Facilitator
S.Korea wings