Maintain Simplicity! (By Debbie Anderes)

Dear PTH Friends,

I’ve heard it said that one of the quickest ways to spot a man-made religious systems is:  They are always active, extremely busy & working hard; making what God has made simple, complicated and complex.

2015’s Word is: Raise the War Cry ! Redemptive Rest!

All the commercial celebration and Christmas fuss sure makes me ready to welcome 2015 and the word the Lord gave Nancy regarding this year.  I love how Nancy shares the way God talks to her with numbers so I thought it worthy of taking another look at the number “2015”. …

2015:   The 2 and the 5 are like a hedge:  2+5=7.  7 represents God’s Rest.

Genesis 2: 2 – On the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Now what number is left?  ONE, as if to say, to find Rest get back to number ONE.   When you do, you are hemmed in on every side with God’s Redemptive Rest.  It’s your protection.   It’s getting back to the basics!  That maintaining simplicity! Yes, there’s a war cry to enter into His rest, being willing to be trained and equipped by His Spirit AND not forsaking our FIRST LOVE … the ONE!  It is yielding from our work, taking our focus off our labors that draws us into His presence; a place of freedom.  It is a willingness, a choice to engage in His rest.  It’s our path to wellness, wholeness, peace and the enjoyment of God, His Spirit and His Son, Jesus Christ.

2014 was all about the Sound of the Lord and it brought a hearing to us that caused us to listen in a new way.  2015 is calling the elect, the elite … the SEALs –  to hear the War Cry of His heart as if to say:
“You’ve heard but now listen closer.  Pay MORE CAREFUL attention to what I’m saying.”
1 Cor 2:1-5  Paul states he did not attempt to reach the people with human wisdom and eloquent words but rather he chose to present the person and passion of Christ Jesus.

Lift up Christ.  That’s what this hurting world will see and desire. For the fruit of right-ness is Peace.  The effect is quietness and confidence.  In quietness and trust is Strength!

May God be your Strength as you allow Him to hedge you in with His Redemptive Rest in this New Year.   I pray you find inward strength that outlasts and outwits the enemy, to have a determining factor to know how persecution and tough times are handled;  To endure to the end and never give up!  And to know you are His elite set apart warrior being called forward!   Raise the War cry! 

Not by might nor by power but by His Spirit says the Lord Almighty.  Zech 4:6b

We are an elite warrior – lead by His Spirit … that is maintaining simplicity in any war!  

Thank you for your prayer as together we raise the War Cry for His Glory!  Thank you for you continued prayer coverage for Point To Hope Ministries.  I know Nancy is very excited about this next year and the message God has giving her for this upcoming year.  Thank you for your targeted prayer coverage!

Blessings & Happy New Year,  2015   

Debbie Anderes,
Assistant Directer
Ketchikan, Alaska