April 29, 2015
Dear PTH Friends / Intercessors,This past week end, PTH held a Holy Spirit Encounter conference in Anchorage, Alaska. The theme was (and continues for this year): “War Cry! God’s Redemptive Rest”. Isaiah 8:9 is a charge to “Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle and be shattered!” As believers, we are at war, yet we can live in rest when we follow the principals found in Romans 12.
Nancy’s evening messages were powerful! The Lord has given her a timely message for the Body of Christ… “Back to Basics for the mature. There were 12 workshops focused on topics from Romans chapter 12. Evening messages and workshops will be available to hear on the website in the near future (www.pointtohope.org & click on: PTH Audio Blog).
Point To Hope conferences are always called “Holy Spirit Encounter.” Why? Because the Holy Spirit is invited to have His way and minister to individuals. Nancy and the workshops are designed to illuminate a teaching from God’s Word (Rev.21:23 – God illuminated it / The Lamb is its Light) and impart truth from the Word (Rom. 1:11 – gifts to make you strong). Then, activate! (Phil. 4:9 – what you’ve learned / seen … put it into practice).
Being called to be a servant of the Most High isn’t a call to be comfortable! It is a call to serve obediently, according to the Word of God! A calling that we don’t have to do alone, but we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit … we just have to yield and show up! If He calls – He equips!
I say all that to say this: thank you for your prayers! The protection of your prayer coverage moves the heart of God and opens ears to hear so that people can go deeper in their walk with the Lord. He promises to hear when we call and open prison doors to set the captives free … freedom so that we can become the Bride He has intended for us to be. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed! (John 8:36). And there is nothing like FREEDOM IN THE LORD! That is peace at war! … Redemptive Rest!
Dee (prophetic painting) Comm”unity” Drum
This coming week end (May 1-3, 2015), Nancy and I will be heading up to Delta Junction, Alaska. We would so appreciate your prayer coverage. The name of Jesus will be lifted up in Delta Junction, Alaska! And the Lord says about Himself: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth (Delta Jct.), will draw all people to Myself” (John 12:32).
Also, on May 23, 2015, Nancy and I will be heading to Lucknow, India where Nancy will be speaking at a Women’s Conference. We will then be headed to Hong Kong. While in Hong Kong, we will fly into Beijing, Capitol of China, to pray. Then we will head to the capital cities of the following countries to pray: Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Russia, and Israel. We will be back in the USA in mid July (Georgia / South Carolina area). Watch the website for a more detailed timeline.
“Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.” (Joel 3:9).
Tired from the battle(s)? … Feeling weak? – physically or spiritually? The Lord has a remedy for that! Say: “I am strong!” (Joel 3:10b); “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10b); “He gives strength to the weary & increases the power of the weak.” (Is. 40:29).
Look at it this way … being weak causes a longing for strength. And we know our source! “My help comes from the Lord!” (Ps 121:2a).
“Peace! Be strong now; be strong” (Dan. 10;19b). Simple, yet profound when you consider the same power behind the words spoken so long ago are still alive and active today – for you and I. The source that brings individual strength and peace today is the same Voice that spoke the world into being. That is what I call World Power – God’s way… Word Power!
Again, thank you for your prayers on behalf of Point To Hope Ministries. Please don’t hesitate to send scriptures, visions / dreams, words, if the Lord gives you revelation.
Blessings to all,
Sarah Tarter,
PTH Prayer Facilitator